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The Awards

CBN (Cyprus Business News), the IMH English-language business portal, introduces the CBN Young Dragon Awards.

The CBN Young Dragon Awards is an annual event honouring professionals/executives under 40 who have demonstrated outstanding achievements, leadership prowess and a commitment to having a positive impact on their companies and on the broader business community.

CBN Young Dragon Awards reward TALENT, POTENTIAL and EARLY ACHIEVEMENT in business.

In a world brimming with talent, these awards seek to recognise and honour the exceptional accomplishments of young professionals. By doing so, we aim to inspire and empower a new era of leaders who are reshaping industries and pushing boundaries.

CBN Young Dragon Awards recognize and celebrate outstanding individuals in the early stages of their careers who have demonstrated exceptional talent, dedication and impact in their respective fields. These awards typically aim to acknowledge young professionals who have not only achieved significant goals but have also shown their potential for future growth and leadership roles.


By highlighting the achievements of young professionals, the awards serve as inspiration to others in the early stages of their careers, motivating them to strive for excellence and have a positive impact on their particular fields.


Award Procedures

1. Award Categories: Awards will be given to individuals in 10 categories (see below award categories)

2. Formation of the Awards Committee: 1st meeting and briefing of the Committee (see below).

3. Open Call procedure: Nominations will be submitted through an open call procedure. All companies interested in nominating one or more employees will submit their applications using the template provided. IMH will process all applications and confirm that they comply with the Award rules and regulations. A Final nomination list will be drawn up. 4. Candidate assessment and evaluation: All applications/ nominations in each award category will be evaluated by the Awards Committee.

• 2nd Meeting of the Awards Committee

• The Committee will select the four (4) candidates with the highest score in each category.

• Selection will be carried out by Committee voting.

5. Announcement of the four (4) selected candidates in each category. IMH media publicity.

6. Voting – Selection of awarded individuals:

• Awarded individuals will be the candidates obtaining the highest score in the joint public and Committee vote.

• Public vote weighted average: 50%

• Committee Vote weighted average: 50%

• The Public can vote online, by phone, SMS or on a printed ballot. Public vote results are sent to an independent organisation (European University of Cyprus)for counting and verification.

• Committee vote

• 3rd Meeting of the Awards Committee.

• Committee vote

7. Awards Ceremony: The names of the awarded individuals will be announced during the Awards Ceremony.

8. Communication activities (before and after the Awards Ceremony)

Award Categories

Awards will go to young professionals in the following categories:

1. Tourism, Hotel, Leisure, Food and Beverage

2. Construction and Real Estate

3. Trading and Manufacturing (retail trade, wholesale trade, manufacturing)

4. Technology (technology companies, software, hardware, telcos, etc.)

5. Services (Education, Health, Media, Communications, Advertising, Supply Chain and Logistics)

6. Financial Services (Banking, Investing, Insurance, other financial services)

7. Shipping

8. Professional Services (law, accounting, consulting)

9. Gaming

10. Young Entrepreneur

Selection Rules
(for the first nine categories)

• Eligible candidates must be under 40 years of age (i.e. born in or after 1985).
• Candidates must be working full-time for a Cypriot company (registered with the Cyprus Registrar of Companies and based in Cyprus).
• Candidates must have been with the company for at least 2 (two) years.
• Candidates can be working in any department of the company. • Candidates can be working at any level within the company.
• All nominations must be endorsed and submitted by the company (CEO or Manager, e.g. HR Manager) on the template provided.
• Nominations must be for a specific category (see Awards Categories).
• Each company may nominate any number of candidates in up to 9 categories.
• Nominations must be for Individuals, NOT teams.

Selection Criteria
(for the first nine categories)

The CBN Young Dragon Awards reward:
3. EARLY ACHIEVEMENT in business.

The Awards aim to celebrate the accomplishments of emerging talent, encourage excellence and innovation, and empower young professionals to reach their full potential as leaders in their industries and communities.

Candidates eligible for nomination must demonstrate the following:
• Talent and achievement in their work.
• Strong leadership qualities, including the ability to inspire, motivate and guide others.
• Innovative thinking and problem-solving.
• An ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues, clients and stakeholders.
• An ability to articulate ideas and concepts clearly and persuasively.
• Their potential for a successful career path within the organisation.
• A commitment to ethical conduct in their professional and personal interactions.
• A commitment to making a positive impact beyond the workplace

Young Entrepreneur
(Special Category)

Selection Rules, Selection Criteria and Information for Candidates

The Young Entrepreneur award aims to recognize an inspiring young business mind who has created his/her own new, successful business. The award will emphasize the achievements of the young entrepreneur, his/her potential for continued growth through his new business and impact in the business world.

Selection Rules

• Eligible candidates must be under 40 years of age (i.e. born in or after 1985).

• Candidates must be the founders and main shareholders of the company.

• The company must have been in operation for at least 4 years.

• The company must be based in Cyprus.

Selection Criteria

Financial Performance:
The candidate company should have experienced consistent and sustainable revenue growth over time and does not rely on short-term trends. It should have a robust business model that can withstand market fluctuations and economic challenges.

The young entrepreneur should be at the forefront of his/her industry, introducing innovative ideas or processes. Entrepreneurial Spirit: The candidate must have a clear vision for the future and a strategy to achieve it.

Community Impact:

The candidate and his/her business must be making a positive impact on the community through job creation, work environment and even inspiring others. The entrepreneur should demonstrate a commitment to ethical business practices and social responsibility.


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